
Active Circular Economy

Reuse instead of disposing.

Reuse instead of disposal is a major lever to support the climate goals set by the EU and Germany. Circular economy means staying future-proof. Producing, using, throwing away. This has been the way our linear economic system has worked for about a century and a half. This way, resources are consumed more quickly, climate change is further fueled, and waste mountains grow worldwide. According to World Bank forecasts, global waste production will increase by 70 percent by 2050. In 2018 alone, the European Union accounted for 2.33 billion tons of waste. Ten years earlier, it was 190 million tons less.

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In Europe, waste is often simply burned and valuable resources are destroyed.

In Europe, waste is often simply burned and valuable resources are destroyed. A problem - because the day when the naturally renewable resources are exhausted every year (also called Earth Overshoot Day) is occurring earlier and earlier. While in 1987 this day fell on December 19th and we only slightly exceeded our ecological budget, it is now moving further forward in the calendar. This year, Earth Overshoot Day already occurred on August 2nd. We must be aware that the earlier the day is reached when natural resources are depleted, the greater the debt burden we accumulate. With our current balance, we would need resources from one and a half Earths to remain balanced. By 2050, it would already be three Earths, according to the European Union's conclusion. Therefore, it is important to keep resources in circulation. This is the principle of the circular economy. If applied consistently, it automatically generates less waste and reduces our need for natural resources. Since 2021, the European Union has had an action plan that promotes the circular economy system of the European economy. It is a system that not only benefits the economy but also reveals significant advantages for climate, environment, and resource protection. It is about not just recycling products, but making them shareable, repairable, and reusable through upcycling.

The BVS product overhaul and purchase as an important element of reuse and waste prevention.

First of all, it should be said that BVS, solely through its activity as a repair service provider, saves defective electronic assemblies from disposal. These assemblies go back into circulation immediately after our extensive product overhaul. We thus extend the life cycle of an assembly that would otherwise have become electronic waste without us. Systems and machines that rely on these electronic components can therefore continue to operate and do not need to be replaced by newer equipment. This is another contribution to resource conservation.

In addition, BVS purchases surplus or unused assemblies from machine operators through the purchase service. We clean and inspect them. We carry out a product overhaul including comprehensive testing and reintroduce them into the assembly cycle. This is also offered for renewable energies such as PV inverters. Our motto in this regard: "Use instead of waste".

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Upon request, we provide interested parties with a purchase box.

Upon request, we provide interested parties with a purchase box. This box will be delivered to the interested party and filled with components to be sold. Once this is done, we will be contacted to pick up the box and provide a new, empty purchase box. The delivered products will then be refurbished in our workshop and made available to our customers as inventory during machine downtime.

[Translate to English:] Purchase Box

1. Free provision of a purchase box

2. Filling the box with CNC, PLC & ROBOTICS components by the customer

3. Customer notification that the box can be picked up

4. Pickup of the purchase box and provision of a new box

5. Goods receipt at BVS and evaluation of the assemblies

6. Offer from BVS to customers

7. Sending the agreed credit note to customers

What and why do we buy?

We buy what our customers need! But what do they need? Machines need to run. In order to fulfill our mission here, we need to have the assemblies available that the customer needs when the machine is no longer running. This means that in addition to our service of product refurbishment, assemblies must also be available from stock.

[Translate to English:] Circular economy of electronic components.

BVS purchases a five-digit number of assemblies annually.

Every year, BVS purchases a five-digit number of assemblies - the tendency increases by about 10% per year. Our BVS mission "Machines must run" is a very important part of the circular economy of electronic assemblies through our service of purchasing assemblies and daily work in processing repair orders and product overhauls. If you also want to secure your machine availability, produce sustainably, and keep electronics within the circular economy - Use us as your maintenance service provider!

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